Monday, April 4, 2011

Meatless Mondays

A meatless lifestyle is not for everyone. But there are benefits for you and the environment if you go meatless just one day a week.



Meatless Monday is a movement that encourages people to go vegetarian on Mondays.

The health benefits of going meatless for a day include:

  • limit cancer risk
  • reduce heart disease
  • fight diabetes
  • curb obesity
  • live longer
  • improve diet

The environmental benefits include:

  • reduce fossil fuel dependence
  • reduce carbon footprint
  • minimize water usage

If you’re interested in going meatless for a day, our menu has plenty of vegetarian and vegan options for you to try.

Smoked Tofu and Spicy Curry Wrap

Mock Tuna Salad

..and others.

Happy Meatless Monday!


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